Sexual Wellness

Priapus Shot® (P-Shot®)

Designed for Men's Sexual Health

For men suffering from erectile dysfunction, difficulty climaxing, or Peyronie’s disease (abnormal curvature of the penis), the Priapus Shot® at Lubbock Family Medicine, provides a safe and natural treatment option. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), or blood-derived growth factors are injected into the penis to rejuvenate tissue over time. The process includes 30 minutes to numb the area with a five-minute procedure. No recovery time is required.

What are the potential benefits of the Priapus Shot?

Orgasm Shot® (O-Shot®)

Designed for Women's Sexual Health

The O-Shot, also known as the Orgasm Shot, is a patented treatment for increased sexual pleasure and reduction of stress urinary incontinence. Using growth factors from your body’s own blood, also known as platelet-rich plasma or PRP, the O-Shot at Lubbock Family Medicine, stimulates collagen, regenerates tissues, and alleviates embarrassing stress urinary incontinence. The process includes 30 minutes to numb the area with a five-minute procedure. No recovery time is required. 

What are the potential benefits of the Orgasm Shot?

Providers performing the O-Shot® and P-Shot® are specially trained and part of an elite group. You will find on https://priapusshot.com/ and http://www.oshot.info, that Jamie Stice, MSN, APRN, FNP-C and Dr. Michael Mendez, M.D., MPA, are among this select group and have undergone extensive training and has been certified in both the P-Shot® and O-Shot®.

Helping You Take Control of Your Sexual Health

*While the benefits of the above treatments are proven, results may vary. Please consult with our experts for more information.


Lubbock Family Medicine is an independently operated family practice established in Lubbock, Texas in 1999. We strive to provide quality healthcare to our patients. Our practice includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses and many other staff members.

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